Habilmind > Related to students' academic performance > Visual Screening

Screening Visual

Optometric indicators that influence learning

Analysis of essential optometric factors in learning.

✍🏻 Authors: Arancha Rioja and Habilmind Team.

ℹ️ Application: Collective.

🕓 Duration: 15 minutes.

✅ Age of application: 5 years and older.



What does your school get with this tool?



Information on key eye skills for learning.



Possible visual disturbances.


To intervene




Academic difficulties.


Evaluate the impact

By re-application of the tool.

Problems you avoid (or mitigate) when you use Visual Screening

1. Difficulties in reading and comprehension: Early detection of visual problems can prevent difficulties in reading and comprehension, since poor vision can affect the student's ability to process and understand text.

2. Attention problems in the classroom: Undetected visual problems can lead to eye strain and attention difficulties in the classroom, which can affect academic performance and cause student demotivation.

3. Difficulties in writing and motor coordination: Untreated visual problems can affect a student's ability to write legibly and perform activities that require fine motor coordination, which can negatively affect their self-esteem and motivation.

4. Social and emotional development: Early detection and correction of visual problems can prevent social isolation and low self-esteem associated with unidentified learning difficulties, allowing the student to fully participate in school and social activities.

Learn more


Habilmind Visual Screening uses 8 indicators to analyze the essential optometric factors in learning.

At the end of the evaluation, personalized reports are issued on each of the following indicators:

Visual Acuity

The eye's ability to see the details of a nearby object.

Saccadic movements

Ability to shift one's gaze, making coordinated and precise "jumps" with the eye to move from one point to another.


Coordinated eye movement to position oneself at a point of close vision while maintaining the fusion of images.

Vision in depth

Ability to accurately perceive the depth and relief of objects, also called stereopsis.

Follow-up Movements

The eye's ability to follow a moving object quickly and accurately.

Binocular Vision

Ability to use the eyes together, seeing a single image.


Coordinated and combined movement of the eyes to position themselves at a distant point of vision while maintaining a single image.

Color Vision

The eye's ability to discriminate the range of colors.

Through which platforms can you get this tool?

Platform User profile Available Far web
Habilmind.com Directors and educational psychologists Login
Psicometra.com Clinical psychologists Login
Universidatos.com Higher education institutions Login
Idi.habilmind.com Researchers from universities or research centers Login

Get to know the tool in detail

Videos de Screening Visual

Visual Screening Test Explanation by Arancha Rioja

Video in which Arancha Rioja explains Visual Screening.

Visual Screening in 1 minute

Learn about the Visual Screening test of the Habilmind platform in 1 minute

Videotutorial del Screening Visual

Video in which Isauro Blanco explains the Screening Visual.ll test

Interpretation of results

Key aspects you should know about Visual Screening. Explanation and tour of the platform.

Download the infographic of this tool

You can use it to give information to teachers, parents, principals...

Theoretical foundation


Access the download of the theoretical foundation of this tool, essential information for psychology professionals and other experts in the field, available at this link.

Application manual

This tool is very easy to use. However, we offer you the manual for your reference.

Reports and results

Learn about the reports and results of this tool.

Custom reports include highly detailed results...

With Habilmind you can learn all the details of the indicators analysed. Our reports are educational, we explain the concepts we deal with at all times. Habilmind makes the complex simple.

...and also practical suggestions prepared by experts to improve each indicator analyzed

These suggestions are designed for your application in a real-world environment.

Links of interest


Review the contribution of the featured author and the R&D team in the development of the Visual Screening test. Read more


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(*) Free tests are available for schools, colleges and institutes, universities, clinical psychologists and researchers.

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