Habilmind > Related to students' academic performance > Test of Fundamental Skills for Learning

Fundamental Skills Test for


Assessment instrument that measures the development of skills that underpin instrumental learning, such as reading.

and mathematics.

✍🏻 Author: Isauro Blanco and R&D&I Team.

ℹ️ Application: collective and individual.

🕓 Duration: 45 minutes.

✅ Age of application: 6 to 18 years.



What does your school get with this tool?



Understand the reasons for the different levels of academic performance in the group to make personalised learning possible.


Know and enhance

The level of development of the foundations of learning: verbal comprehension, mathematical reasoning and reading.



Foundations for solid learning.



To possible learning difficulties.

Problems you avoid (or mitigate) when you use the Battery of Fundamental Skills

1. School failure: Early detection favors intervention to prevent learning problems from becoming chronic and thus provide an appropriate educational response.

2. Problems in reading mastery and comprehension: Reading is the basis of all learning, and difficulties in reading can affect performance in any subject, including mathematics. This tool can detect which skill or skills are not sufficiently stimulated to influence it and prevent it from impacting on your reading skills.

3. Problems in learning mathematics: Mathematics is often rejected because the origin of the difficulty is not identified and it is reinforced without taking into account what is hindering its understanding. Identifying the origin of the difficulty prevents the difficulty from becoming chronic.

4. Lack of motivation and low academic self-concept: A false belief of low ability due to low or insufficient academic performance directly influences intellectual self-esteem and, therefore, motivation. Becoming aware of their abilities, how they influence their performance and how they can be stimulated, fosters their perception of control over themselves and their motivation for change.

The Fundamental Skills for Learning Test uses 9 dimensions to assess the level of development of fundamental skills for learning.

Verbal reasoning factors


Capture of semantic units that refer to the level of vocabulary acquired.

First level of reading comprehension

Semantic systems capture refers to the ability to integrate information extracted from several paragraphs.

Following instructions and extensive information

Capturing semantic relationships, that is, first level of reading comprehension.

Mathematical reasoning factors

Grasping numerical facts

Ability to handle basic operations.

Arithmetic evaluation

Ability to evaluate mathematical symbolic systems that refers to the application of logic and reasoning.

Solving Arithmetic Problems

Ability to generate a solution to the problem by proposing an appropriate use of operations to provide an accurate response.

Reasoning factors reading

Visual capture

Visual integration skill that allows one to capture the shape of the word.

Visual discrimination

Ability to discriminate differences in pseudowords.

Fast and accurate reading

Ability to decode sentences with speed and understanding.

Application manual

This tool is very easy to use. However, we offer you the manual for your reference.

Get to know the tool in detail

Test of Fundamental Skills for Learning

1. Apply with DEMO user

For this purpose, he uses a "Pepe Pruebas", that is, a test user who registers in each group. The results of this DEMO user do not affect the group average.

2. Check the listings

We suggest checking that the listings within the Habilmind platform correspond to real students.

3. Generate the temporary key

The temporary key expires after a few hours, it can be configured on the same day the test will be applied.

Theoretical presentation on the structure of Guilford's intelligence

Video presentation of the theoretical framework of Guilford's intelligence, on which the program Hábilimente by Karina Esparza is based.

What is needed to apply the test?

  • Internet connection since it is done 100% online.
  • A digital device (computer or 7-inch tablet).
  • Hearing aids for children between 6 and 8 years old.

Custom reports include highly detailed results...

With Habilmind you can learn all the details of the indicators analysed. Our reports are educational, we explain the concepts we deal with at all times. Habilmind makes the complex simple.

...and also practical suggestions prepared by experts to improve each indicator analyzed

These suggestions are designed for your application in a real-world environment.

Links of interest

How often can tests be administered?

At Habilmind, we recommend that this test be administered to students every two years and not in less time. Read more


Should students be able to answer all questions correctly? Read more


Can school performance not match test results? Read more


Why might a student have a lower skill less developed than other more complex ones? Read more


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(*) Free tests are available for schools, colleges and institutes, universities, clinical psychologists and researchers.

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