Habilmind > Related to the analysis and improvement of teaching skills > Teacher Performance Evaluation

Teacher Performance Evaluation

Advanced 360º evaluation

The evaluation of teaching and management performance allows for a complete assessment of the staff. With this test we will have a complete analysis of the indicators related to the teacher that the school wishes to incorporate.

✍🏻 Authors: Education Experts and Habilmind Team.

ℹ️ Application: Collective or individual.

🕓 Duration: 10-15 minutes.

✅ Age of application: 6 to 18 years.



What does your school get with this tool?



Accurate information.



Information on the teacher's self-perception.



Student perception and areas for improvement.



Professional practice.



Collaborative work between the teaching team and the ability to debate and reflect on good educational practices.

Problems you avoid (or mitigate) when you use Teacher Performance Evaluation

1. Lack of effective feedback: The survey provides a comprehensive assessment of teacher and manager performance, allowing for specific and detailed feedback on each staff member's strengths and areas for improvement. This helps teachers identify areas where they can improve and helps administration provide them with the support and resources needed to grow professionally.

2. Inequity in assessment: By using objective indicators and clear criteria in performance evaluation, the survey helps ensure that the evaluation is fair and equitable for all teachers and managers, thus avoiding possible bias or favoritism in the evaluation process.

3. Lack of alignment with institutional objectives: The survey allows the school to incorporate specific indicators related to institutional objectives and values, ensuring that the performance assessment is aligned with the school's educational vision and mission. This helps maintain coherence and strategic direction in the professional development of staff.

4. Lack of data for decision-making: By collecting and analyzing data on teacher and manager performance, the survey provides administration with objective and informed information for decision-making related to hiring, resource allocation, professional development planning, and other institutional improvement initiatives.


Habilmind's Teacher Performance Evaluation uses 3 indicators to provide a complete evaluation of staff.

At the end of the assessment, customized reports are issued on each of the following indicators:

Third party evaluation

By the supervisor, coordinator or a peer.


By the teacher.

Student evaluation

By students or parents.

Through which platforms can you get this tool?

Platform User profile Available Far web
Habilmind.com Directors and educational psychologists Login
Psicometra.com Clinical psychologists Login
Universidatos.com Higher education institutions Login
Idi.habilmind.com Researchers from universities or research centers Login

Download the infographic of this tool

You can use it to give information to teachers, parents, principals...

Custom reports include highly detailed results...

With Habilmind you can learn all the details of the indicators analysed. Our reports are educational, we explain the concepts we deal with at all times. Habilmind makes the complex simple.

...and also practical suggestions prepared by experts to improve each indicator analyzed

These suggestions are designed for your application in a real-world environment.

Links of interest

Why is it important to evaluate the teaching team?

Teachers are the main driving force behind the transformation of educational centres and need to have opportunities for professional growth. Read more

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(*) Free tests are available for schools, colleges and institutes, universities, clinical psychologists and researchers.

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