With Habilmind you have your own expert in educational strategy



When you hire Habilmind, we will assign you one of our educational strategy experts, who from that moment on will become your best ally in achieving your goals.

In addition to preparing the annual test plan and supporting you in its implementation, the company will also interpret the results for you, offer you effective recommendations to improve the most important indicators and will be responsible for resolving any questions that may arise.

In short, your educational strategy expert will always be available to accompany and assist you on this path of innovation and improvement that we undertake together.

Phases of support throughout the school year

The educational strategy expert explains to the people on your team what the Habilmind platform consists of and describes the tools that will be at your disposal.


Customized planning

We design a strategic plan tailored to your school's needs, interests, and context, taking advantage of Habilmind's experience. In an initial meeting, we will explain the usefulness of the selected tools and provide recommendations for a simple and efficient application process.

Presentation of the platform

If your team deems it necessary, we organize an optional webinar with our educational strategy experts to delve deeper into the use of the platform and clarify any questions.

Full customization

We set up the platform in less than 48 hours, uploading the identification lists of students, teachers and administrators, so that it is fully operational quickly and efficiently.

Training in implementation

We provide support to the people involved in the project, guiding them through the process of applying tests and interpreting the results obtained.

WhatsApp Group

We establish a direct and frequent communication channel that includes the participation of the director and the guidance team. This space facilitates close and effective support, not only in the use and implementation of the platform, but also in pedagogical matters.


Interpretation and ongoing advice

  • We monitor the application of each assessment instrument in students, teachers and, when appropriate, in parents, offering detailed interpretations of the results and personalized advice for each case. As part of the support, personalized videos will be prepared for the interpretation of results through the Loom platform. These videos, recorded in horizontal format, will have an average duration of 5 minutes and will be designed to offer clear and direct explanations. Likewise, it will be indicated that the technical management of the tools, such as filtering and aggregation, can be viewed within the platform, where we have included a guided tutorial of each tool using Supademos to facilitate its use.

  • At the end of the period of application of psychopedagogical tests there will be a meeting to interpret the results with one of our experts.


  • In addition to all of the above, we offer the school the possibility of requesting meetings to interpret results whenever they need it.

Rapid Intervention Team Support

Our specialized team is available via WhatsApp to assist in real time with any technical or psychopedagogical needs that may arise.


Habilmind's intelligent self-management gives you full control and flexibility to manage the occasional registration and deregistration of students quickly, easily and intuitively. Although the initial registration of the school year will continue to be managed by Habilmind, your school will assume full control to make changes according to its needs, such as registering a single student, several students or entire groups. The modifications are reflected in real time, optimizing administrative processes, while the platform includes step-by-step guides to facilitate each action.


Final evaluation and projection for next year

At the end of the school year, we carry out a comprehensive evaluation that includes a detailed analysis of the results obtained during the year. We provide specific recommendations for the cases detected, deliver a complete report, and design a strategic action plan to ensure the continuity and success of the project in the next school year.

Our experts are senior psychologists who have worked in schools

Habilmind's team of educational strategy experts has specialized training in the psychoeducational field and extensive experience working in guidance departments in schools.

Alicia Moron

Psychopedagogical Director and Director of R&D&I (Spain)

Anna Okolodkova

Expert in Educational Strategy

Constant and real-time WhatsApp communication

Whenever you need to, you can communicate with your designated expert using instant messaging via WhatsApp, phone calls, video conferencing and email.

15 years working side by side in schools

The first Habilmind office was born within a school. Working with dedication to the management and educational psychology teams is in our DNA, and we are passionate about being by your side to help you achieve the extraordinary results you need.

4,000 schools trust us to design their most far-reaching strategies

We add to your project our experience with more than 4,000 schools in 21 countries. You are in the best hands.

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