Habilmind > Related to the analysis and improvement of teaching skills > Work Environment Survey

Work Environment

Anonymous evaluation for teachers

Standardized survey to find out teachers' opinions on various aspects of school that influence their well-being at work and professional development.

✍🏻 Authors: Education Experts and Habilmind Team.

ℹ️ Application: Individual self-assessment.

🕓 Duration: 10-15 minutes.

✅ Age of application: Adults.



What does your school get with this tool?



Accurate information.



The value of teachers' opinions.



Key aspects requiring improvement.



The work environment at school.


Evaluate the impact

By re-application of the tool.

Problems you avoid (or mitigate) when you use the Work Environment survey

1. Teacher turnover: A negative work environment can contribute to teacher burnout and demotivation, increasing staff turnover. Improving employee well-being through the Workplace Climate survey can reduce turnover and promote teacher stability.

2. Poor performance and educational quality: Teacher demotivation and burnout can affect their commitment and effectiveness in the classroom, harming academic performance and the quality of education. Improving workplace well-being can promote a more positive and productive work environment, thereby improving performance and educational quality.

3. Unhealthy organizational climate: Teacher demotivation and burnout can contribute to an unhealthy work environment, characterized by a lack of collaboration and poor communication. Identifying areas for improvement through the Work Environment survey can promote a more positive organizational climate that is conducive to the well-being of all employees.


Habilmind's Work Environment survey uses 11 indicators to find out the opinion of teachers.

These indicators provide valuable information for taking action for suggested improvements.

Educational project

Level of satisfaction with aspects of the center such as: academic level, attention to students, discipline, psychopedagogical support, etc.

Relational climate

Indicator that reflects emotional management in relationships with other members of the community and during teaching activities.

Working conditions and means

Satisfaction with the various means and material resources for teaching performance

Training and personal development

Satisfaction with training processes for teachers


Perception of the center's image and prestige in the community.

Family conciliation

Level of satisfaction with work in relation to family life.

Climate or general environment

Perception of personal worth by other members of the community and level of satisfaction regarding relationships with the team.


Satisfaction with communication between members of the educational community.

Satisfaction with other equipment at the school

Satisfaction with the functioning of the different departments of the center.

Leadership Management

Satisfaction with the management style of the educational center.


Level of satisfaction regarding the centre's openness and willingness to innovate.

Through which platforms can you get this tool?

Platform User profile Available Far web
Habilmind.com Directors and educational psychologists Login
Psicometra.com Clinical psychologists Login
Universidatos.com Higher education institutions Login
Idi.habilmind.com Researchers from universities or research centers Login

Get to know the tool in detail

Work Environment Survey Videos

Description of the Work Environment Survey

Video showing and explaining the Work Environment survey.

Video tutorial of the Work Environment survey

Key aspects you should know about the Work Environment survey. Explanation and tour of the platform.

Brief description of the 360 survey system for the evaluation of the quality of the center

Video showing and explaining the 360º survey system for evaluating the quality of the Center.

Download the infographic of this tool

You can use it to give information to teachers, parents, principals...

Theoretical foundation


Access the download of the theoretical foundation of this tool, essential information for psychology professionals and other experts in the field, available at this link.

Application manual

This tool is very easy to use. However, we offer you the manual for your reference.

Reports and results

Learn about the reports and results of this tool.

Custom reports include highly detailed results...

With Habilmind you can learn all the details of the indicators analysed. Our reports are educational, we explain the concepts we deal with at all times. Habilmind makes the complex simple.

...and also practical suggestions prepared by experts to improve each indicator analyzed

These suggestions are designed for your application in a real-world environment.

Links of interest

Habilmind survey system

This article describes, using screenshots, the different functionalities of the survey system for educational centers and universities developed by Habilmind. Read more

Infographic: Keys to apply

Datamind evaluates, compares your school and obtains expert recommendations. It complies with the recommendations of the ISO and EFQM management models for educational centers. Read more

Why is it important to evaluate the teaching team?

Teachers are the main driving force behind the transformation of educational centres and need to have opportunities for professional growth. Read more

Work environment / Indicators evaluated

Learn about the items that are part of each indicator evaluated in this survey, in which teachers evaluate the educational center. Read more

Further information

Habilmind proposes a model of self-assessment of centers aimed at improving educational quality. The proposal incorporates the participation of the main members of the institution: students, teachers and families. Read more

Try it for free, no obligation

Request access to the tool via the "Try for free" button so you can experience it first-hand.


(*) Free tests are available for schools, colleges and institutes, universities, clinical psychologists and researchers.

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